

Safety first! Keep your tires inflated, or you could be in for some serious damage. #AvoidAccidents

  • Tires
  • Safety
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It's something we've all been guilty of at one point or another - driving around with an underinflated tire. Maybe it's a slow leak that you keep meaning to get fixed, or perhaps you just didn't realize that your tire was low on air. But whatever the reason, driving with an underinflated tire is pretty dangerous. Here's are for escalating outcomes that happen by driving with an under-inflated tire:

1. Will reduce fuel efficiency

It doesn't take much to make sure our vehicles are running efficiently—one of the most basic yet overlooked, tasks is ensuring your tire inflation pressure is at the manufacturer's recommended level. Driving with an underinflated or overinflated tire can lead to decreased fuel efficiency. For every pound per square inch (PSI) that a tire is under-inflated, it could reduce fuel efficiency by one percent—deflating just one tire can significantly reduce your overall miles to the gallon or km to the liter if you're in a metric country.

2. Premature and uneven tread-wear.

Under inflation causes uneven and premature tread wear as seen in the related images. This means that you'll have to replace your tires far more often than might be necessary. And believe us when we tell you - new tires don't come cheap! 

3. Will affect the handling, making it more difficult to control your vehicle

Driving with underinflated tires not only slows down your car but also reduces the amount of grip you have over the vehicle making it harder to react quickly to unexpected situations on the road. 

4. Eventually, your tire will have structural erosion from the inside resulting in a tire blowout

Driving with an underinflated tire can be extremely dangerous. The increased friction will cause excessive heat which can cause the internal structure of the tire to erode. Eventually, the inner liner will expose the cords and the tire will be unable to hold air as well as it should. Continued use of an underinflated tire will eventually lead to a tire blowout typically when the vehicle is traveling at a high rate of speed. It is important to check your tire pressure often and make sure your tires are properly inflated for the safety of yourself and others.
These 4 reasons should be concerning enough to make anyone keep their tires properly inflated. Most gas stations have air pumps that you can use for a small fee. Just remember to check your owner's manual first to find out what the recommended tire pressure is for your vehicle. Doing this simple maintenance task can keep you and your loved ones safe and save money and the hassle of premature replacement in the long run.