

Rolling Into the Future - Why EV-Specific Tires Make All the Difference for Electric Vehicle Owners

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EV Tires
Electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their environmental benefits, lower operating costs, and convenience. However, EVs need special tires in order to maximize the performance of these vehicles. Unlike regular tires, EV-specific tires are designed to have more structural stiffness, lower noise, better rolling resistance among other things. Let’s take a closer look at what makes EV-specific tires different from regular tires.

Structural Stiffness for Braking, Cornering, and Acceleration

One major difference between regular tires and EV-specific tires is the structural stiffness of the tire itself. EVs typically require higher levels of structural stiffness than traditional gasoline powered vehicles in order to provide proper braking and cornering performance under substantially more weight. EVs tend to be heavier than gasoline powered cars due to their batteries. As such, EV-specific tires are designed with stiffer sidewalls than regular tires in order to provide more support during braking, cornering, and acceleration.

Lower Noise Floor

Regular vehicle tires tend to produce more noise while driving due to their softer construction and tread design compared to EV-specific tires. Gasoline powered vehicles make a lot of noise which drown out the tire noise. Since EV’s are much quieter, tire noise can be a real nuisance. In order to reduce this noise level, EV-specific tires are constructed using materials that absorb vibrations more effectively than regular vehicle tires.

Traction During Acceleration

EVs typically have higher levels of torque which can cause regular vehicle tires to lose traction when accelerating from a stop or during hard cornering maneuvers. To combat this issue, EV-specific tire manufacturers use compounds specifically designed for high levels of torque which helps improve the traction on these vehicles during acceleration or hard cornering maneuvers. Additionally, many manufacturers also use tread patterns which further enhances the traction for electric vehicle driving. 

Low Rolling Resistance & Aerodynamic Efficiency 

In addition to offering improved braking performance and traction during acceleration an important factor when considering an electric vehicle specific tire is its ability to reduce rolling resistance while still providing good aerodynamic efficiency for increased range/distance and EV gets from a charge cycle. Many manufacturers now offer low rolling resistance options for their electric vehicles that allow for improved range as well as reduced thermal buildup within the tire itself leading too longer tire life spans.

EVs need special attention when it comes time for replacing their tires to account for the extra weight; lower noise and better rolling resistance. Many tire popular tire manufactures product options for your EV vehicles. This will not only get you better performance but your tires will last longer & be safer on the road too. Thanks for reading!