

Is it dangerous to replace only two tires at a time instead of four?

  • Tires
  • Safety
  • Did you know
Can you replace only 2 tires?
If you've ever wondered whether you should replace all four tires on your car at once or just two at a time, you're not alone. It's a common question with no easy answer. There are several factors to consider, and ultimately the decision comes down to personal preference and budget. Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of each option to help you make the best decision for your situation. (continue)

Ideally it is best to change all for tires, this will provide the best and most consistent traction

In order to experience the best traction and overall performance of a vehicle, it is best practice to replace all four tires at once. This allows each tire to wear evenly, thus providing optimal control and safety on the road. New tires have better grip on slippery pavement, giving drivers a greater sense of security when driving in inclement weather. With all four tires facing the same direction and performing the same tread pattern, drivers are granted an orderly symmetrical rotation that ensures their vehicles maintain the best levels of traction.

If budget is an issue or there is tread left at the same tread depth in 2 of the tires, you can replace just 2 tires, but it must be on the same axle.

When budget is a concern or when only 2 out of 4 tires have reached their tread depth limit, replacing just the two tires can be not ideal but feasible solution. However, it is important to keep in mind that swapping out only the two tires must be done on the same axle for safety reasons. Also, not all cars are compatible with this approach, so it's not advised without consulting a professional or doing some research first. Hence, for maximum safety and performance of your car, always strive to replace all four tires when necessary.

If you do replace 2 tires, never mix and match the tire type. All season must be with all seasons, winters with winters.

When replacing two tires, never mix and match the tire type. It is important to remember that winter tires need to be paired with winter tires, and all season tires with all season. Having the same type ensures better performance of the tire as it has been designed to handle certain road conditions with its specific tread pattern, rubber compound, and tread depths. A difference between the mixed types of tire can have a negative impact on trajectory control, braking stability, ride comfort and more which could result in an unsafe driving experience. Therefore, never mix and match your tire types when replacing two or four tires at once for the best performance results for all vehicles.

The best position for replacing two new two tires

When replacing tires in pairs, it is important to install the new ones on the rear axle of the vehicle as this helps maintain proper control when driving on wet roads. The deeper treads of these new tires assist in resisting hydroplaning, allowing for better traction and a smoother ride. Placing partially worn tires at the front of the vehicle can also be beneficial, as this makes it easier for drivers to control their vehicles due to understeer because less tread leads to reduced throttle input. However, placing worn out tyres at back can lead to oversteering which makes it harder for drivers to regain control; decreasing throttle input in this situation could potentially worsen conditions even further. 

When it comes to replacing your all-wheel drive tires, the experts agree that it’s best to replace all four at once. While it may be tempting to replace only two at a time, doing so can lead to a size difference from front to back, which can cause serious damage to your vehicle. Let’s break down why you should always replace all four tires at once. 

We hope this helps answers your questions and remember to drive safe.